Hello class! Today we worked on being able to identify and memorize key signatures in both major and minor. REMEMBER YOUR VOCABULARY FROM EARLIER, IT WILL HELP! Here is the circle of 5ths for you visual learners:
There are several different ways you can remember them (I will cover only major scales for now - minor, we will discuss in class tomorrow so we can go over the different modes):
Major (sharp)
C - Catholic
G - Gods
D - Don't
A - Always
E - Eat
B - Berries
F# - From
C# - Church
Major (flat)
C - Crazy
F - Fat
Bb - Brats
Eb - Eat
Ab - All
Db - Delicious
Gb - Gooey
Cb - Candy
Note: Remember that notes go from A-G then repeat again in a different octave, there is no H note!